The Times - Language and Representations


1) What is the main story on the front cover of the Times CSP edition and why does it appeal to Times readers?
The main story on the front cover of the times CSP edition is about Gary Lineker who got kicked out  to present the football match by the BBC. This appeals to Times reader because it has more advanced language reflecting the audience.

2) How is the presentation of this story different to how the Daily Mirror presents it? 
The presentation from daily mirror how they present is as this broadsheet newspaper is in favour of right wing-conservative, while labour is in favour of left wing labour.
3) How is the Times front page designed to reflect broadsheet newspaper conventions?
The Times front page is designed to reflect broadsheet newspaper conventions by featuring typical codes and conventions of the way it is designed since the times has featured a paparazzi shot which he seems unbothered. It also includes a masthead serif-eye catching linking to oldest newspaper

4) How can you tell the inside pages of the Times are a broadsheet newspaper? 
You can tell the inside pages of the Times are a broadsheet newspaper as they have lots of text, detailed articles, and a formal writing style. They also use bigger pages with fewer images and more serious news compared to tabloids

5) What does a close analysis of the news stories in the Times CSP edition suggest about the Times's political beliefs?
It suggests that it leans towards conservative political beliefs. It often supports the Conservative Party and is critical to the BBC questioning its impartiality. The paper covers political issues in a detailed and balanced way but tends to reflect right wing views.


How does the Times represent Gary Lineker and BBC Chairman Richard Sharp in the CSP pages?
The Times represent Gary Lineker 
The Times represents Gary Lineker as an important, controversial figure at BBC as there were reports in 2024 about him possibly leaving match of the day. For Richard Sharp, the Times covered his resignation as BBC chairman in 2023 after it had been revealed he helped arrange a loan for Boris Johnson but did not declare it

2) What representation of the Conservative Party can be found in the CSP pages of the Times?
The Times often support the Conservative Party, but maintain a balanced approach in its reporting. For example ,during the 2022 party gate scandal, it covered the issue without bias. This approach reflects the Times commitment to impartial journalism, even when reporting on the party it typically endorses.

3) How are the super rich represented in the Times?
Tunes shows the super rich as powerful but complicated people. It talks about their influence on society and the economy but also covers their struggles with privacy and public image.

4) What representation of the BBC can be found in the CSP pages of the Times?
The Times often supports the Conservative Party and criticizes the BBC, reflecting its right leaning stance. For example, it has questioned the BBC`s funding and impartiality, suggesting the broadcaster may have a left wing bias.

5) What opinion would Times readers be likely to have about Gary Lineker and the BBC from reading these pages?
From reading the Times, a reader might see Gary Lineker as influential but sometimes controversial at the BBC. They might also view the BBC as biased and in need of more accountability and reform.


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