Learner Response

 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

WWW:Noor, able to identify advertising conventions  for the unseen media product and analtyse hw it communicates meaning denotation and connotation. EBI- At times you are not providing specific examples or responding to the questions. 18/42 grade 5 
2) Look at the mark scheme for this assessment. For Question 2 (12 mark unseen) use the indicative content in the mark scheme to identify three points that you could have referred to in your answer.
• Upper case and bold – connotations of the important, powerful message of the
image and copy.
• The white text against a black background and the darkness of the image makes the
writing stand out and anchor the message of the text about training being important.
Non-verbal codes
• Athletic body connotes that the subject is in condition and well prepared for the
• No direct address but the subject’s eyes are focused on pushing the heavy tyre
(physical exertion) which connotes determination and power in the face of adversity.
This is reinforced by his facial expression which has his mouth open in a roar which
connotes supremacy and effort.
• Dress code has connotations of strength since the trainers are engaged in the
activity and the clothes are functional and appropriate for task so they connote
success and durability. The make-up shows sweat and dirt which has connotations
of being ready for action and taking part / effort.
• Body stance / position connotes that the subject is ready to face and overcome any
• The brand name ‘Under armour’ has connotations of battle and war being connected
to sport.
Verbal codes (use of language)
• The text is positioned over the top of the tyre to signify the challenge and create
synergy between the image and the message in the text.
• The word battle has connotations of fighting and trying to triumph over an enemy.
• ‘Begins off-field’ connotes preparation and a subversive look at sporting events
(focussing on the training rather than the event itself) and underpins the above
Colour Palette
• Darkness has connotations of dangers to be faced and makes it more dramatic
• The use of the spotlight (through the flood lit logos) links to sports matches and
connotes drama / excitement but also shines on the main image connoting his
• The smoke special effect adds to the drama of the situation and the idea of dangers
to be overcome.
Photographic Codes
• Long shot shows the whole power of the body and the effort involved in pushing the
• The main image is positioned in between the flood lit logos to link his effort with the
brand image but also to isolate him and connotes personal struggle /strength.
3) For Question 3 (Galaxy - narrative features) use the mark scheme to write down the main narrative theories and how we can link them to the Galaxy advert CSP. 
The clear function of the narrative: to persuade people of the superior quality and
sophistication of the Galaxy product.

• The structure of the narrative: it follows a linear structure and features versions of
iconic actors from the glamorous era of Hollywood (a CGI Audrey Hepburn and a
lookalike for Gregory Peck) associated with sophistication and desirability.
• Character types can be seen as outdated stereotypes of masculinity and femininity
(‘damsel in distress’ scenario) with Audrey Hepburn cast as the ‘heroine’ character
type (Propp) with the male chauffeur coming to her aid as the ‘Hero’ archetype and
rescuing her. However, another interpretation would see Hepburn as the ‘Hero’ of
the narrative, taking matters into her own hands and forcing the driver of the car into
the ‘Helper/Donor’ position, enabling her to complete her quest.
• The use of locations in the narrative suggests a version of reality for the audience:
Italian Riviera has connotations of romance, upper class and the old Hollywood era
is evoked, suggesting the luxurious nature of the chocolate and reinforcing the ‘silk,
not cotton’ message.
• There is disequilibrium at the start when the village is associated with chaos (fruit
falling, bus stopping, people shouting). This is juxtaposed with the calm, heroic
persona that the audience encounters when they meet Hepburn and, when the new
equilibrium is restored at the end, the sweeping vista suggests endless possibilities /
traditional happy ending at the closure of the narrative.
• Message of the narrative: Galaxy is a more sophisticated, classier product than
other chocolate bars and, as such, needs time and relaxation for it to be enjoyed
properly. The audience can also experience this luxury and a happier time
(nostalgia) if they buy the product.
• The use of intertextuality: The narrative references Roman Holiday so rewards
audiences who have knowledge of the glamour of old Hollywood. The narrative is a
parody of the original film where Audrey Hepburn’s character steals Gregory Peck’s
Vespa motorcycle and he jumps on the back whilst Italians shout at them, a bus
goes past and a lady drops fruit.

4) Now look at Question 4 - Tatler and social/cultural contexts. Use the mark scheme to identify three points you could have made in your answer here. 
Excellent knowledge and understanding of contexts and their
influence on media products and processes, demonstrated by
consistently effective explanation of how magazine covers reflect
the social and cultural contexts in which they were created.
• Consistently appropriate and effective reference to Tatler magazine
• Specialist terminology is used appropriately and effectively

5) On Section B, focus on Question 7 - film industry and Black Widow. Use the mark scheme to identify three ways Black Widow was marketed to its audience.
Responses should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework
(media industries and media audiences) by referring to:
• The importance of the Marvel franchise and the overall Marvel Cinematic Universe

• The use of trailers, teasers and social media to build up excitement and word-of-
mouth long before release.

• The use of traditional film marketing techniques: trailers, film posters, red-carpet
premieres, interviews with stars and director etc.
• Star Power: most big-budget mainstream films and blockbusters will use Star Power

to attract audiences to their film. The main star in Black Widow is Scarlett Johansson
who is very well known and has established fans.
• Specific IMAX promotions with 22 minutes of the film shot in 1.90:1 aspect ratio
especially for IMAX cinemas.
• Section of the Marvel website with gallery, story synopsis, character posters and
opportunities to buy or stream the movie.
• Social media profiles on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Social media and
YouTube advertising was also heavily used by Marvel to promote the film including
using tweets from audience members on massive billboards.
• Marketing Black Widow was a challenge due to the Covid pandemic and it therefore
did not make as much money at the box office as other Marvel films despite this
marketing and promotion.

6) Finally, write down three things you are going to work on before your next mock exam in December (e.g. time management; revising CSPs etc.)
Provide specific examples or responding to the Question also try not to be vague with your examples and give more specific ones to elevate/develop your responses.


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