
Showing posts from February, 2025

Daily Mirror case study

    Write the definition of the following key language for newspaper front pages (you may want to add an example for each from our Daily Mirror CSP): Masthead:  A list at the top of a page Pug: Short pieces of vital information placed on magazine covers Splash Head: Slogan: Short phrases that are used in advertising programs  Dateline: where and when it was written or reported By line: Part of news article that tells you who wrote the story Standfirst: Short introduction to news article 2) What is the main story on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror (see above)? Make sure you learn the headline and what the story is about. The main story on the CSP edition of the Daily Mirror focuses on the party gate scandal involving prime minister Boris Johnson. The headline reads zero shame highlighting allegations that government officials held parties during COVID-19 lockdowns, referring to the restrictions they had imposed on the public. 3) What is the 'pug' or smaller celebr...

The Times - Language and Representations

  Language 1) What is the main story on the front cover of the Times CSP edition and why does it appeal to Times readers? The main story on the front cover of the times CSP edition is about Gary Lineker who got kicked out  to present the football match by the BBC. This appeals to Times reader because it has more advanced language reflecting the audience. 2) How is the presentation of this story different to how the Daily Mirror presents it?  The presentation from daily mirror how they present is as this broadsheet newspaper is in favour of right wing-conservative, while labour is in favour of left wing labour.   3)  How is the Times front page designed to reflect  broadsheet  newspaper conventions? The Times front page is designed to reflect broadsheet newspaper conventions by featuring typical codes and conventions of the way it is designed since the times has featured a paparazzi shot which he seems unbothered. It also includes a masthead serif-eye c...

The Times - Introduction

 1) What year was  The Times  founded and when did it start using the  Times  name? Times was founded in 1 January 1785 and it start using the Times name is 1788 2) What content did John Walter suggest the paper would offer in the first edition? Like the other newspapers, it included parliamentary reports, foreign news and advertisements. John Walter made it clear in the first edition of the newspaper that he was primarily concerned with advertising revenue. 3) What does the page say about the political views in  The Times ?  The page says about the political views in the Times that it is mostly focused on politics on public life discussing about sports. For example, the discussion about Gary Lineker 4) Who owns  The Times  today and how is editorial integrity protected? Rupert Murdoch News cooperation and editorial integrity is protected by the guidelines used by writers and editors to make writing clear and effective 5) What did T...