Denotation and Connotation HW
Analysis of Water Aid Advert: Task 1 The producer of the advert (Water Aid) is trying to convey the message that people in Deprived Countries lack water and there are not many water pumps or wells to drink water from. They have done this by mentioning the words on the advert and putting an image of a child. This emphasizes that the people in deprived countries do not have the water that they need and they have used an image of a child in the advert to convince people to help. People would sympathize seeing this advert as the boy in the picture is displayed as vulnerable, and isolated. The Colour Blue is used to describe that the little boy is feeling distressed as he is all alone with nobody there, Also Blue is used to describe the need for water and the importance that everyone needs water to prevent them from getting dehydrated, illnesses, and feeling poorly. The Slogan Dig Toilets Not Graves suggests that if we can help children and people with the facilities and supply t...